6 Fall Vegetables To Plant Now: A Guest Post for The Rusted Garden
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This is a guest post by Wendy Dessler. Wendy is a super-connector with My Seed Needs. Wendy frequently writes about the latest in the gardening trends world and tries to help novice and experienced planters grow.
6 Fall Vegetables To Plant Now
Gardeners everywhere enjoy the wonderful food that has been harvested from spring and summer crops. But, there are also crops of vegetables that can be planted now, in early fall and they will be ready to eat before winter.
It is much easier to plant and tend a garden with the cooler days and the breezes keep the insects away. For a better variety of crops and a tasty winter season, see the list below.
Beets are not always the favorite food on the table, but there are some great recipes that can be added to. They are a good source of vitamin C, Iron, magnesium, and a lot more.
Snap beans and bush beans do well in the fall temperatures. Stay away from the pole beans. Beans are a great source of protein and they bring a heavy harvest so you will have enough to freeze or can them.
They give you copper, a good mixture of the vitamin B family, and minerals.
Broccoli is great when raw with ranch dip, or steamed. They are a vitamin powerhouse.
Vitamin B1, B6, E, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids. This is just a small part of what adding broccoli provides for your health.
Brussel sprouts will grow well until the first frost. At that point they are about finished for the season.
They are a source of Vitamin C, vitamin K, Vitamin B1, folate, manganese, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, choline, copper, potassium, phosphorus and omega-3 fatty acids.
Here is a list of veggies that will do well if planted now. Your seed provider can give you more information and variations.
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Cauliflower
- Turnips
- Celeriac
- Collards
- Green Onions
- Kohlrabi (very fast growing food).
- Lettuce
- Cauliflower
- Peas (choose a short season seed for autumn)
- Pumpkins
- Radishes
- Parsley
Set these out now:
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, and cauliflower seedlings, along with celery, bulb fennel, and parsley.
Direct sow these:
carrots, collards, leeks, scallions, and radishes. Don’t forget you can direct sow lettuce too.
It is not too late to plant and get a fall harvest. Speak to your seed distributor (see link above) for any advice you need. Remember there are varieties within each seed group. Make sure you order the correct variety.
Prepare your soil before you plant. If your garden from spring had a mulch covering it remove it. The soil under it is good soil for growing fall plants. Just till it and remove any weeds that may be there. If you are unsure how to do that, there are plenty knowledgeable people on forums and communities that even sell parts of the equipment that can facilitate your job. You can add a layer of compost or manure to add some growing power to the soil.
Taking care of you fall garden is much like taking care of your spring garden. You must keep the weeds away, and protect the plants from animals and insects. If you plan on using covers to protect the plants from early frost, get them now. You don’t want to be rushing around looking for them when the frost is predicted and all the other gardeners are out looking.
Start now and look for a great harvest!