The Rusted Garden Journal
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4 DIY Seed Starting Mix Recipes for Any Garden Plant
Any seed starting mix you buy in a bag, pretty much have the same basic...
A General Guide for Direct Sowing Vegetable, Herb, & Flower Seeds
Thanks for visiting from the The Rusted Garden seed and garden shop. Here is a...
The Fig Tree 3 Layer Wrap Method for Winter Protection
A fig tree is wrapped to protect the upper growth from freezing during the winter...
How to Make A Vegetable Garden Soil Temperature Chart
(DRAFT EDITING NOW) They key to quicker germination and faster growing & maturing transplants is...
When to Plant Vegetable Seeds and Transplants Outdoors
The mistake many gardeners make is focusing on the ambient or surrounding air temperature. While...
Build A $15 DIY Garden Cold Frame
A garden cold frame will extend your growing season later into the fall and allow...
Just 50 Frost Tolerant Crops for Your Fall and Winter Gardens
Here are almost 50 garden crops that can tolerate frost and freezing nights. These crops...
9 Fast Growing Crops to Direct Seed in September & October for a Fall Vegetable Garden
Your fall crops or cool weather crops prefer, generally speaking, 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit or 10-15.5...
4 Ways to Mange Squash Bug Damage on Your Squash, Zucchini, and Other Garden Plants: My Approach!
Squash bugs really can't be defeated one hundred percent in a garden, but the damage...
Jalapeno Sour Dill Garden Cucumber Pickles in 4 Hours: The Simplest Garden Pickling Recipe Ever!
Ever wonder what to do with all your garden cucumbers? Make sour pickles using 5%...
2 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Planting Peas in the Heat of Summer for your Fall Vegetable Garden
Peas are cool weather crops but should be started in the summer (when hot) for...
5 things You Can Do to Beat the Summer Heat in Your Garden: How to Help Tomato Plants Manage High Temperatures
When temperature get into the mid to upper 90's and 100's, most plants become stressed...